Sunday, December 14, 2008

Deja Vu

I am now sitting in the exact same room that we had here at Children's all last week!  What are the odds!'s not odd, God really cares for His own.  I really liked this room and God knew I'd had a very hard day.

But here's the Deja vu part - we got into this room last Sunday night at 7 pm and Tracy, the best IV nurse, came and put an IV in her head - only one poke, and Esther was put on isolation.  Today?  We came into the room at exactly 7 pm, Tracy soon showed up and put in her IV - one poke again, and Esther was put on isolation (they want to make sure she hasn't gotten a new bug, so they did a snot test again - we'll find out tomorrow if she has anything new).

Going back a little - Daryl and Jessica showed up around 2:30, and Jessica and Esther had a great time together, Esther rewarding Jessica with some great smiles:

And around 4 pm the ambulance arrived (from Everett) and Esther got set up on the gurney. We had a smooth ride down to Children's and arrived just before 6 pm. She was a direct admit, so we just paused breifly in Emergency and then came upstairs to a room to have her looked over and consult with the cardiac team, but since she still has wet lungs and a possible infection, she didn't stay in that room, but was soon moved to our luxo room (I was soooooo please that we got this room again!).

Esther is doing really well now, but she looked terrible when she got in her room.  Her IV got pulled out as they put her in her bed,  and then when they were trying to put her clothes back on after her weigh in, she refluxed three times in a row and that caused her to de-saturate so bad they had to use blow by for several minutes to get her O2 level back up.  She had the worst retracting I've ever seen her do, she was making lots of noise breathing too. And she was breathing really fast again.

Once in our room, and with IV in place, she got a dose of Lasix and I sat and held her for a long while.  We both napped, but she was coughing like crazy...this just sounded so sad to me - her cough was so exhausting to her.  But in less than an hour, she woke up and was her precious sweet self again.  Smiling and talking to me and her toys.  They got her snot for the test (she didn't mind that one much),  and got her on a constant tube feed and now she's hanging out comfortably in her bed, breathing easy, but a little fast, and I think she'll be asleep for the night soon.

When we got here, I was soo tired.  I had trouble giving her history and remembering all her medications - my lack of sleep was really telling on me, that's for sure!

I'm looking forward to some good sleep tonight - it will take a lot to keep me awake, that's for sure!

Tomorrow the cardiologist will be meeting with the surgeons to make a plan for Esther, and once we know what's going on, we can make plans for the week.  I called the Ronald McDonald House (RMH), and they will probably have a room for us starting tomorrow, so once that opens up, Daryl and all the kids will be coming down here.  I'm going to do some calling tomorrow and find an inexpensive motel room for the "extra" kids to sleep in as RMH only allows 6 in the room at night.  There are several motels and hotels in the area that give discounts to families that have kids in Children's.

Time to get this tired mom to bed.

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