Wednesday, September 30, 2009

She needs to go to Children's for it!

And my Dr talked with the on call dermatologist at Children's and they moved the appointment up to Friday morning.  I forgot to ask if they would be doing the procedure that day, but I have a feeling it's just a look-see to set up a date for the procedure.  I'm thinking about calling today to find that out, and possibly trying to find out the time frame for final resolution!

Thanks for you prayers on this, as it moved up quickly yesterday afternoon - right about the time my Bible Study group was praying for that very thing!   God is so good!

I've got so get so much done today and I really didn't plan on having to head to Seattle this week, and it's a very early appointment so I'm going to head down tomorrow and have some fun with my sister, Lisa, and possibly with both my sisters - Beth and Lisa have been trying to have the three of us go out for lunch together this month, but it just wasn't happening, so if we can pull it off, we are going to get together for lunch on Thursday in Seattle  FUN!  Esther will enjoy  it too!

I'll update once I know anything on Friday.


  1. God is so good!! I'm glad that they are moving things along faster! That's great that you will be able to have a get together with your sisters- makes the trip more fun for you and Esther both!

  2. Praying that Esther's appointment goes well and that they can get it taken care of soon. I will be away from the computer for a few days so I won't find out what happened but will be praying for her.
