Tuesday, November 2, 2010


You may think my title is a typo, but it's not.  Years ago we ordered a little box called "Thanks Living"...and it had a once-a-day-for-a-week little book of devotionals that taught about the pilgrims journey and survival.  We have used this little book almost every year since we got it!  It is so good to read about why we have a Thanksgiving holiday...and apply the things they learned to our lives today!
So I am going to blog as many days as I can this month about things that I am thankful for! 
I have so many things to be thankful for, that I will definitely not run out by the end of the month...but as you can tell from my attempt at 31 for 21, it is impossible for me to blog every day!
Since I didn't blog yesterday, I'll share two things I am thankful for today!

First of all, I am thankful that my Sovereign Lord and Savior chose me before the foundations of the earth to be His child, that He send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to this sinful earth, to live a perfect life and allow Himself to be cruelly killed by the very people He had come to save, and pay the price for my sins by taking them on Himself as He died and paid the price for my sin.  I am especially thankful that God chose to call me at a young age, so that I have served Him since I was young...not perfectly, and I definitely had time where I turned my back on Him, but I always knew that God had not walked away from me, but I from Him and all I had to do was turn from my wicked ways and He would welcome me back with loving arms and complete forgiveness for my sins. 

Secondly, I am thankful that my God also chose to save my children...those who are old enough to choose to accept Christ's offered salvation, have, and I rejoice that Jeremy, Jessica and Rachel have all made the step to be baptized, and that Jason, Jonathan and Rebekah have all decided to be baptized at the next opportunity!  Reuben has also shown interest in baptism, but we are encouraging him to wait until he is older and fully understands what a wonderful thing baptism is and what it means for him.

I lost my memory card while trying to add photos of Rachel's baptism this past summer (seemingly vanished into thin air), so you'll have to be content with this beautiful photo taken by my friend, Merianne, when we hiked up to Heather Lake last summer...it was God's amazing creation at it's best:

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