I am so happy to share that our oldest daughter, Jessica, got engaged on Labor Day! She and Jon have known each other for nearly two years, and he shares an apartment with our two sons, and works where my husband and one son works, and attends our church - he joke that he was under 24 hour surveillance for a year before their courtship began! They are planning a wedding for January 3!
I am super short on time (like the craziest, never at home week of my life), but I wanted to get this posted and do my Weight loss Wednesday this too, but it will all be short and sweet!
They got professional engagement photos done by my friend, Renee of Little Earthling Photography! She did an amazing job!
Life has now kicked into high gear with wedding plans and trying on wedding dresses!
Christy has also had some health issues come up so we have had lots of Dr and specialist appointments - in short we are addressing her issues with sleep apnea and swallowing/aspiration problems. I'll post an update next week as then we will have the results from the sleep study that is happening tonight!
Here's my quicky Weight Loss Wednesday up too:
Nope - been survival eating since I've been so busy. Eating too little has been more of a problem!
Did I move more and exercise regularly?
Moved more but have had no time for doing my workout, sadly!
Do I feel lighter than I did at this time last week?
Nope, about the same.
Did I eat in secret or out of anger/frustration/happiness?
No - but I did have a few things that were "off plan" due to having to eat in unusual circumstances but they were mostly whole wheat type things, not sugar, so I do not feel guilty about it (well, there was that white pizza crust).

Did I feel that, at any time, I ran to food instead of to God?
No - too busy to do anything voluntarily!
Before I hopped on the scale, did I think I'd had a successful, God pleasing week?
Mostly - I just really felt that my eating was mostly not in my control. I've been eating away from home more than at home and it's really tough. I'm keeping next week's calendar as open as possible so I can get a handle on my eating (like more variety - peanuts are getting old!).
What were the measurable results?
I gained .7 pounds, but lost 1.5 inches, so I'm OK with this week.
Gotta Run! Nap, Packing and then off to drive 2 hours to Christy's Sleep Study Appointment!
And now
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