Sorry I've been absent - so much has happened that I've had no spare time for blogging!
Just after my last posts, we headed out for my family reunion - it was so good to go. I had thought about not attending as my father (who's side of the family this was for) passed away last August. But my mom came up and so did my brother, Tom, and my sister, Lisa. I'm so glad I did as I didn't know it, but it was the last time I saw her for a long time as she is moving to San Fransisco (she's on the road right now). We had planned to get together once more before she left, but it just didn't work out! Bummer!
Here's my oldest and youngest daughters loving on a 1 week old baby that was at the reunion:

Then left for a week long campout - it's out church campout, but we start camping long before the "real" campout! We left Monday afternoon (7/30) and stayed up there until 8/5 - I came home on Thursday do catch up on emails and be here for Amanda to ship out orders, so there wasn't any glitch in shipping!
We had a great time camping! I even did a lot - biking, volleyball, paddle boating, and a little hiking! It was nice to be neither nursing a baby or pregnant at camp - haven't done that is so many years I can't even begin to figure out how long!
Here's our campsite:

At least this is part of it - you can see the tent city for the big kids, and our firepit, and the table. AND you can see my super cool bike with the kiddy trailer! That's a recumbent tricycle - great for your back, and so easy to ride - works especially great with the trailer as your bike stays put if you have to attend to the kids!
We found some really unique "flowers" - but I'm not sure if they were flowers -

Anybody know what they are??
Here's out happy camper - if you tell him he can't smile, he always does!

And here's our "I only in camp long enough to eat and then I'm back in the volleyball court!" camper -

And here's what happens when my DD gets ahold of the camera = she takes a picture of me - I hate having my picture taken, but I'll put this one in because I look like I'm having a lot of fun - and I was!

and here's our camping kitties - remember they were born last time we were camping - now they came along and were quite the attraction for kids at the campground:

Here's my favorite photo - this is Daddy's second snuggle from our princess - and she wouldn't come to me even when I offered to take her - this is such a sweet, "I just woke up and I need some cuddle time" photo:

And last, but not least, here's a great shot of Renee, my best friend and fellow mother of 10 ("A Bakers Dozen" blog is her blog - see link on the right side here) eating a licorice - I took this shot just to show that she isn't quite as crunchy as she lets on - LOL!

She's too young to have 10 kids! And that's the truth - you'll have to check out her blog!
This blog was all her doing - she convinced me that I should start this and even she is amazed at how popular my blog is (it gets about 30 - 40 hits a day!).
Since the camping trip, we spent a week recovering (laundry, laundry laundry, and the work , work, work).
This week is the county fair and two of my DDs showed dogs, so that meant I spent 2 days there, and inbetween I've been busy keeping up (my shipping gal, Amanda, and her mother who sews for me, is on a 3 week vacation and my #1 DD is at the fair, so it's all up to me!) with business and getting our mobile home ready to show!
That brings me to the best news of all:
OUR LOAN IS APPROVED! after all we went through, we are finally out of final review and we can start building again - they are going to be pouring the footings tomorrow!
Here's where we are as of today:

The only change from the last time is that the sand is mostly leveled - and there's less of it (it's down our bathroom drain! LOL! I've never bathed my kids so often in my life - I'm just not going to do a thorough job of wiping behinds covered in sand!).
I'll up date as often as I can as we build now!
Hope you enjoyed this long update!