Esther's New Jessie Doll - she loved her old one
to death, literally! She LOVE her new Jessie! |
Can you tell that Esther
Loved her New Ball! |
Our Dossier has been accepted in Priscilla's Country, and we should get "the signature"s in 1 - 2 weeks and then they'll tell us our travel dates soon after that...to know more, check out
my blog post about that. PLUS we will be changing her name when she becomes officially ours, and I announced what her new name will be too! I actually wrote that post last Thursday and it already has more page views than any other post on my adoption blog, so you really should
check it out! Right now we are thinking we'll be traveling to meet her either the last week of October or sometime early in November!

We are busy preparing for Jeremy's wedding - I finally got my new blouse to wear with my dressy black skirt just yesterday. I have a few details to square away, but I'm getting there!
Rachel got a couple of lovely books
from her friends! |
Just this week we had the opportunity to get a lot of mushy pears and peaches and I immediately thought "baby food" and then "I won't need that this year" but then I thought of Christy (Priscilla's new name, but you really need to
read my post about what her full name is and what it means!). She is likely to have eating issues as the orphanages tend to bottle feed the children until they are much older, and then they are given baby food for a long time. So having baby food, home preserved, would be great. If we don't use it for her, then we can make fruit leather later!
Sam and her sister/Maid of Honor, Emily! |
We've had a few birthday's this month! Daniel turned 12 (sorry no photos, we had his birthday at Jeremy's house after church and we did not take a camera with us!), Rachel turned sweet 16 and Esther turned 5 just last week!
Sam plus her grandmother, mother, sister and friends! |
We've gone to two showers for Sam so far. I took a few photos at our church's shower. It was a beautiful time celebrating their love story. I was so amazed at how amazing Jeremy sounded from her sharing of their story. He also impressed everyone by dropping by the church before the shower and leaving her a beautiful bouquet with a really cool chocolate duckie! He has turned out to be one amazing young man, romantic to the bone - not sure where he got that from!
My hair styled with a small
Lilla Rose Flexi Clip |

I'm continuing to lose inches doing T-Tapp and following the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating. I still have a long way to go but I'm loving how I feel. I feel a lot slimmer than I look, but I'm hoping that I will look as slim as I feel before long!
To prepare for Jeremy's wedding, I layered my hair and added some more to my bangs. I starting to experiment with ways to style my hair. Today I tried curling the ends. I'm planning on an "up do" but it's fun to find out what else works, as there's still one more shower and the rehearsal night too!
And I just signed up to be a Lilla Rose Consultant! We love our Flexi-Clips so much we want to get more without paying full retail, plus sharing them with others! I'll share more on that later, but for now you can use the link in my side bar or
Click HERE to check out all the wonderful hair style helpers they carry!
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