Esther last month...getting so grown up! And her hair is so long! |
Here's a great comparison of how much Esther has grown in the last year!
Esther was a little chunkier at 1 year...and don't you love that diaper??? |
Now for some recent happenings around here. We got SNOW!!! And it stayed for over a week - first was a doozy of a snow/wind storm, so windy that we had snow plasted to our siding 5 feet up under our 10 foot porch roof!!
It was an amazing night - wind whistling through the porches, snow blowing so thick at times you couldn't see past the porch, and watching Pirates of the Caribbean!

Esther got her first adventure in the snow earlier that day...we had woken up to a dusting of snow...we had no idea what was coming our way...over and over again! It snowed off and on for almost a week, and then Thanksgiving day we got snow all day - about 5 inches in all! The kids were even attempting to snowboard and ski down our drainfield slope (didn't work well, but they had fun trying!). Here you can see how the snow was impailed on the side of the house despite that huge porch roof! So much for a safe, dry place to keep your boots and chairs!!!
And here's my mountain of laundry that I did the weekend before Thanksgiving...I even got it all put away for the first time since we moved into this house, I think...what with being pregnant, bed rest, Esther's adventurous first year, running the business and all...I never seem to quite catch up...it was a wonderful feeling to know that all the clothes were in the drawers and easily found by all!
I have so much more to share, but, alas, it is shopping day and I must get a move on! I have a bunch more photos to share with you and I will do my best to get them posted soon...but I have really been enjoying my time away from the computer and spent with my family!