It's been almost a month since I found time to blog - I guess I'm not very good at this! LOL!
One thing keeping my busy lately is making decisions about things in our new house - and most of these decisions involve going to different stores to select what counter tops/cupboards/doors/trim/paint/tubs/showers etc I want - so many decisions my mind goes crazy!
Here' what the house looks like now:

(if the last image doesn't show windows, hit refresh to get the latest images!)
And just for fun, here's shot that shows a comparison of the mobile home and our new house:

For some reason, I'm so busy I can't even get enough sleep! I've had to increase the time I'm doing homeschooling to help one of my kids that has been laggin behind - we did some testing and found that this child has a learning disability, so I'm having to learn how to teach in a completely different way and spend so much more time each day in order to help this one get up to speed!
Plus, two of my seamstresses are on vacation, and another has taken a leave of absence - so I've had to sew again - like 8 hours a day! So now I sew while I homeschool! I've got a cleared spot on the table next to my sewing machine and I teach one on one while I sew!~ Not easy, but it's do-able!
Here's our youngest that is homeschooling - Dan just turned 6 and is doing so well with reading and math it warms my heart!
Just in case you were wondering - I'm actively homeschooling 5 of my children currently, as 2 have graduated, and Jessica is finishing up highschool and uses a computer program, so I don't teach her unless she needs help (which isn't very often!).

Plus I was also "homeschooling" our nearly 4 YO - as in potty learning! And we finally won! He's completely dry day and night!~ Yeah!~
Plus there's always the teaching of life skills - here's "little bit" learning to do dishes with Beka -

As you can tell, she's a ham for the camera!
Here she is again all dolled up for church:

We also have a new addition to our family - Jess has a new puppy:

He is so cute and the kids love him! His name is Sebastian and he came all the way from Texas!
Here's another change around here - I gave Rae a new doo! Her hair is mostly curly, but the hair from the top of her head is less curly. We love long hair around here, but her hair grows sooo slow I don't think she'll ever have long hair! So I layered her hair so the curls can all show!

Well, that's certainly not everything, but that's a lot of what's going on around here!
Hope you enjoyed this update!