**If you saw this post already, but it seemed weird, that is because it wasn't supposed to publish yet!**
I had only collected what I wanted to share and thought I had only saved it, yikes! Well, here is the edited version!
I had only collected what I wanted to share and thought I had only saved it, yikes! Well, here is the edited version!
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A rose from Matthew's graveside service placed by me on our daughter, Johanna Marie's grave |

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Jessica's Blog Update |

This was an unpleasant procedure, but thankfully they got a good sampling and it is benign! I do have to follow up again later this year.

The next adventure in my health journey was the development of high blood pressure. I am sure it is the result of the chronic back pain (chronic pain is defined as three or more months of unrelieved pain...I'm going on a year now) on top of the other emotional, spiritual and physical stresses in my life. My doctor thought it would be best to put me on a low dose of BP meds. It didn't go so well. After just three doses of a diuretic type of BP med, I ended up overnight in the hospital due to racing heart rate (100 - 120 resting) and shortness of breath. After a dozen or so cardio tests, they determined that I was right, it was a reaction to the medication. On the bright side, we now know that I am in excellent cardiovascular health! So then I was put on a beta blocker. This didn't go well either, and left me with unrelenting fatigue. After four weeks of trying to tweak the meds, and my fatigue only getting worse, I finally got the doctor to agree just last night to quit all BP meds, checking it twice a day at home, and try a supplement called Nattokinase, which was actually recommended to me for Christy as a substitute for her aspirin that she takes as a stroke preventative (we aren't giving it to her yet, I'm still researching and need to get in contact with her neurology doctor). I learned that it can be very successful at reducing elevated (not high) blood pressure, and since my BP was only elevated and not into dangerous territory, we are going to give it a try! The fatigue is already lessened today (I took a half dose yesterday, and had already been weaned off the beta blocker Metropolol last week, but was still taking Lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor whatever that means!). I have high hopes of being functional again soon!
Starting back in June, I began to have irregular menstrual cycles, even skipping some cycles. While this was not a bad thing (I have been dealing with perimenopausal symptoms for over ten years now and am hoping to be in menopause soon), it became something of a concern when starting the first of the year I began to have weeks of heavy spotting. My doctor referred me for an ultrasound (yet another medical test!) and it showed that I had a thickening of the endometrial lining (this is called Endometrial hyperplasia (EH)), and some of the endometrial cells had migrated to the uterine muscle (this is called Adenomyosis). The EH was what had the doctor concerned because if left alone, it raises my risk of cancer in a big way. Our conservative plan to deal with it was to put me on progesterone for ten days, which would stop the bleeding (but it didn't) and then when I stopped taking it, it would shed the extra lining (but it didn't). I ended up in ER with hemorrhaging. They put me back on the progesterone and doubled the dose which finally stopped the bleeding.

My journey is not complete yet. I still struggle. I feel fragile. It doesn't take much and that darkness threatens to come back and surround me. But I know that it is not what God has meant for me. For He says,
" Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11:29, 30)
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11 - 13)
And now for some family news from the past few months... but be sure to read to the end, as I saved the best for last!

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Christy impersonating Darla from Finding Nemo |
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and they snuggle together! |
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somebody loves her daddy! they play together.... |
I almost forgot - I guess Daryl thought I was getting more that my share of medical attention, so just a week after my overnight in the hospital, he ended up in the ER with kidney stones! It has been a very long time since he was admitted to the ER, over 11 years in fact!

At the end of February I was able to attend two women's retreats, two weekends in a row! While it was taxing physically, I so needed to go. The first was the Above Rubies Retreat at Black Lake Camp (south of Olympia, WA). I was encouraged by the teaching and by connecting with women from last year and making new friends too! The second was our church's women's retreat, and the focus was on disappointments. So much to take in there and I am still planning to take the time to go through and look up all the scripture again and read my notes.
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The popcorn stitches say "I Love You to the Moon and Back" |

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Carese, 4 years ago this week! We celebrated her birthday yesterday. |

Lastly I want to share with you a concept that Kay Arthur talks about in her book, God How Can I Live. She heard it said once that there are 5 D's: Disappointment, Discouragement, Defection, Despair, Demoralization. (I like to add a sixth, but I'll get to that in a minute).
The first one is Disappointment. When things in your life bring you disappointment, how you react to it really counts. If you react with pain, bitterness you open the door to the rest of the D's.

"Discouragement and disappointment are like twins. You own the door to Disappointment and you will find discouragement dashing in right behind....The cure for discouragement is encouragement. Encourage your heart by looking at your God and His promises......"
Once Disappointment and Discouragement have taken up residence in your heart, Dejection, Despair come over for a party. The more they party, the more alone you feel. The more you dwell on your problems, the more unable you become to face them.
Then you become demoralized. No ability to go on. No inspiration to continue the fight. Demoralization is extremely dangerous. In my opinion, this allows for thoughts of self harm or suicide to come in and be the life of the party too.
I've added a sixth D - Depression. The dark place where no light shines. Crying becomes a daily event. Laughter is only a memory. Friends become distant (either imagined or not). This extreme self focus becomes a vicious cycle. You are depressed, so you dwell on your problems, your problems make you depressed.
"If you are in the dark, if your spirits are sunk in gloom, do not despair, for the Lord Jesus was there. If you have fallen into misery, do not give up, because the Father's well-beloved pass through the denser darkness. Believing soul, I'd you are in the dark you are near the Kings cellars, where the well-refined wines on the lees are stored (Is 25:6). You are in the Lord's pavilion, and you may speak with Him....
Trust Him, and He will cause His light to shine on you. Lean of Him, and He well bring you out of the gloomy wilderness into the land of rest.
May God help you to lean on Him."
Beside Still Waters by C. H. Spurgeon
But there is hope! I was there. I went through the 6 D's step by step without even realizing it. It started with strained relationships, then Matthew's diagnosis, followed by physical challenges, ending with Matthew's death and birth and the physical/emotional strain of that week. Instead of turning to God and taking my thoughts captive, I gave into avoidance techniques, recoiling in pain. But God didn't leave me there. He gently led me to come back into the light of His Word and the truth of Who He IS and His great love for me. Step by step, I left those D's behind. I fall at times and snuggle up with a few of the D's, but I become aware of it quicker these days. That and I have gathered a few friends in the battle. I reached out. When I couldn't get myself to turn back to God, I reached out to friends whom I knew would help me. They have prayed for me and encouraged me in these dark days. They continue to be there for me, when other friends failed and left me to my own devices. Friends who are just friends when things are going great in your life, are not true friends. Do not dwell on that. And most of all, remember your true, heavenly, indwelling brother, Jesus, who sticks closer than a friend (Proverbs 18:24)
So dear one, if you are reading this and you are allowing the 6 D's, or any of them, to take up residence in your heart, please reach out! They love it when you shrink in to yourself and tell yourself that no one understands. I understand. There are millions who understand (just read through the Psalms...David understood!). Don't keep these aweful D's a secret. Reach out and tell someone where you are. Find help. Find that helping hand to guide you on your journey back into the light.
"If you're God's child, you will never again have just you to depend on. No, you've been blessed, right here, right now, with grace....The answer is Christ! He is with you. He is for you. In Him, you really have everything you need. You simply have not been left to yourself"
Paul David Tripp
I just love it when my three very different daily devotionals dove tail. So many times all three, or at least two of them, will deal with something that I am currently wrestling with. Only God can put things like that together. It's like He planned this, to show me that He cares so much and even something so small as two different readings in two different books on the same day with work together to minister to me!
This is counsel for you who are temporarily laid on the shelf. Some of God's best workers have been laid aside for long periods. Moses was forty years in the desert, doing nothing but tending sheep. One greater that Moses, our blessed Saviour, was thirty years doing- I will not say nothing, but certainly doing no public work.
When you are retired or inactive, prepare for the time when God will use you. If you are out on a shelf, do not rust; pray that the Master will polish you, so that when He uses you again you will be fully ready for the work.
While you are laid aside, pray for others that are working. He'll them and encourage them.....Spend time in prayer, that you may be fit for the Master's use.
Beside Still Waters by C. H. Spurgeon
From the devotional titled Laid Aside for a Time, based on Exodus 3:1
And From one of my favorite novels, also talking about this topic:
“It will not hurt either of you as long as you have health. And if that fails, God will provide for you in some way," said her father. "He is rich, and could give you more now if He saw that it would be good for you. Never forget that.”
― Elizabeth Payson Prentiss, Aunt Jane's Hero
****Please, This is Not The Whole Story! This was the beginning, but God had BIG lessons to teach me, and I spiraled back down in the black hole of depression again after posting this blog post! PLEASE READ MY NEXT BLOG POST, INTO DARKNESS AND BACK BY GRACE
While everything I wrote here is true, I had avoided a true heart change and had not gone to God, Himself, for healing and restoration, that happened at the beginning of May, and this is what I wrote about in my next post (see link above).